Friday, August 24, 2012

Late night I'm sleepy. Sorry.

It's late, but here I am posting.

We were able to get our visas expedited today for a hefty fee so they should be here within five business days. I wish we had known they could be rushed when we sent them but there was no advertising of the service! Many thanks again to Dr. Golden at Newman University.

The UK visa system is extremely difficult to work with. Thankfully I think we finally have it figured out so that we do not have to change our flights (which would be very expensive).

Raymond and I have a lot to do in the next week but I'm looking forward to getting away with my family to Branson for a few days. I think we all need a little vacation!

For any of you tracking the progress on my dad, we were able to do another round of chemo this week because his red blood cell count had come back up enough. That's good news!

The other day we had a long choir retreat, but it was really good to see some people from school. It's crazy to think we're really skipping an entire semester at home. What will happen in that amount of time?

Bed now -

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