I'll be honest, I was worried as we were leaving Italy that I'd be stuck in a place for 4 months that there was a chance that I wouldn't like it. This opportunity is amazing but everything isn't for everyone. BUT! I'm having the best time of my life so far.
The night we got into Birmingham train station was the point of, "Okay this is really happening." We got in the taxi and told him where we were going and we were off! Flying up the street I realized and remembered we were on the other side of the road and I cringed a little when we say the first set of headlights from the other direction. Actually I still cringe a little when were out and have to look to our right first then to the left.
When we got to the school I hopped out to go and check and see if security was still there to let us in, there were a few girls in the lobby that sort of stared at me for a few moments before the security guard came to open the door (AWKWARD) . I told him my name and he smiled saying, "We've been expecting you." in a sort of super thick British or Irish accent, I couldn't tell, I was tired and SUPER hungry.
I ran back to the taxi to grab Rachel and our bags before we rolled in and looked around before we went to collect our keys from the security office. Once we got those and headed back to the lobby there were now double the people because 4 English chaps were there now and were INCREDIBLY happy to see us or so I thought, again I was tired and hungry. We talked and talked, finding out those 4 girls were from Spain and were waiting for their other friend to arrive, who I was not, when we arrived.
That's just a little re account of what happened the first night and I'm sure I'll write more when we have more time since balancing homework and activities has become really important.
I love yo faces! See ya soon
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