We made it.
After four months of traveling, Raymond and I are both home for Christmas. We loved everything about our trip, except for being so far away from home. We truly had the opportunity of a lifetime to live in Europe for a semester, and it was one of the best decisions we've made in our time at university.
Scotland was beautiful and fantastic! We started our time there in Edinburgh, and then went to Glasgow to see Linzi Allen, one of my favorite golf mates. Edinburgh was full of ancient buildings with a giant castle in the middle of the city, and Glasgow was surrounded by beautiful countryside.
Her family kindly let us stay with them, and we were so happy to be in a comfortable house after so many weeks of dorm life and traveling! Finally, it felt like Christmas time.
One of the mornings we were there, Linzi drove us around the hills to see the ocean (and by the way, she's fantastic at driving a stick shift). The sights were breath taking. We also had the chance to walk part of her regular golf course, and I couldn't be more jealous! Several holes on the course play right along the ocean. It's beautiful and perfect for Scotland. Raymond decided he wants to retire there some day, he loved the land and the people so much.
Our days in Scotland were likely some of the best of our trip, and I'm so thankful the Allen family had us to visit! They were all so nice and welcoming, we couldn't have enjoyed ourselves more.
When we were done in Scotland, it was time to start the long journey home. We took a train to London and flew out the next morning. Although we had a slight delay, thankfully we were able to get home almost on time and had a great welcoming party waiting for us.
Raymond took the bus to St. Louis yesterday, although thanks to the bus breaking down it took much longer than anticipated. Once he did get home he feasted on a late Thanksgiving dinner. We haven't eaten this well since we left!
We're glad to be home, but it's a little surreal. Where we really in England just a few days ago?
Merry Christmas! I'm thankful to be home celebrating with my family. Enjoy the holidays, and remember I'll soon be posting on Sunflowers and Skyscrapers instead of here! (www.sunflowerskyscraper.blogspot.com)
Welcome back! And Merry Christmas again! Too bad you couldn't have flown the police box back home! :) :)