Friday, July 27, 2012

They put Voldemort to bed?

As Raymond and I sit here watching the opening ceremonies for the London Olympics, we're so impatient to get there! The "telly" keeps teasing us with glimpses of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. We will be there so soon!
We're going here!

In my opinion, the best part of the opening (so far) has been the original music composed for the event. It was also cool to see the fields turn into an industrial city and time travel through British music. We wanted to volunteer to wear neon clothing and dance! But during the NHS portion, was it Voldemort or a giant baby tucked in bed? Raymond says a giant baby Voldemort...

The past few days have been a bit of a headache for trip planning. First, we're supposed to apply for a student visitor visa, but the online application is missing and the print version we have is outdated. The process is in the middle of being updated, so we're caught in the middle! Once we figure out the correct application, we found out we have to mail our real passport (not just photocopies) to New York and wait for them to return it. YIKES!

In addition, we spent hours scouring for air tickets and when we finally decided we were ready to book, the rates jumped up. We're crossing our fingers they come down again Monday!

Feel free to leave comments here or on Facebook. What was your favorite part of the opening ceremonies in London?

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